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Všechny informace o:


Fiscale Eenheid VAN DER Velden Vastgoed B.V. EN VAN DER Velden Varkenshouderij B.V.

Molenweg 4
5476Vh Vorstenbosch
BTW-nummer (DIČ)
Stav DIČ Aktivní Neaktivní National Registration Only
VAT Registration Date
1. listopad 2023
Previous Names
  • Fiscale Eenheid VAN DER Velden Vastgoed B.V., VAN Velden Varkenshouderij B.V. C.S.
  • KYC Check
    KYC / PEP / AML request
    This data is incorrect?
    VAT information: In case there is a change in address taxpayers should inform the Chamber of Commerce. In case of any other change they should contact the (local) Tax Office.