
DIČ-Searching v

Všechny informace o:


ООО Эксперт-Строй

OOO Èkspert-Stroj (paraphrased name)

OOO Expert-Stroy (translated name)

121087, Москва Город, Улица Барклая, Дом 6, Строение 5, Этаж 4 Комната 23 К1

121087, Moskva Gorod, Ulica Barklaja, Dom 6, Stroenie 5, Ètaž 4 Komnata 23 K1 (paraphrased address)

121087, Moscow City, Barclay Street, Building 6, Building 5, Floor 4 Room 23 K1 (translated address)

Stav DIČ Aktivní Neaktivní National Registration Only
End of VAT Registration
8. duben 2023
KYC Check
KYC / PEP / AML request
This data is incorrect?
Sources: Company Register: FTS of Russia (egrul.nalog.ru)